Review By Newswires on Presence, The Play

Review by Teddie Richer Indeed, William E. Jefferson’s revolutionary new epic allegorical adventure PRESENCE, THE PLAY is a tale immersed in Easter tradition. But to classify it as a traditional Easter novel would not be doing it justice... It is a...

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Presence, The Play Book Review By BookTrib

Review by Cynthia Conrad While Jefferson calls upon the works of Frost, Chaucer and Poe to add depth to the story, it is Dante’s Inferno and biblical texts that inform the novel as a whole. With each trip to hell, Script must pass through one of...

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Feathered Quill’s Review of Presence, The Play

There are those books out there that make you think. Not only are you entertained by the story and intrigued by the characters, but the author does an intriguing job of offering up both darkness and light throughout. This is one that does just...

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