Review By Newswires on Presence, The Play

by | Apr 30, 2023

Review by Teddie Richer

Indeed, William E. Jefferson’s revolutionary new epic allegorical adventure PRESENCE, THE PLAY is a tale immersed in Easter tradition. But to classify it as a traditional Easter novel would not be doing it justice…

It is a story full of treachery, cruelty, despair and sorrow. One where faith and loyalty are tested. But also, one where atonement and salvation are granted for all mankind.

Likewise, PRESENCE, THE PLAY readers follow one character’s Lenten journey through his own doubt, fear and faith in the darkest of all possible places — hell itself.

PRESENCE, THE PLAY is a timely novel that speaks to a growing hunger for a way of life that’s real and tangible, the opposite of an artificial existence lived in a realm of mediated connectivity.

Read full review on Newswires


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