The Isle of Estillyen is a destination where mission lives.
How so, you might ask? Certainly through the characters of Estillyen, but more importantly through the words they share. They are words of worth and hope. Words matter, some more than most. Some words live on into eternity and abide with you forever. In this notion, there is comfort great—rest for souls weary.
The Isle of Estillyen is an ancient harbor in the present. Discover for yourself how stillness and solitude can nurture your soul and spirit. Sure, there’s a ticket to purchase and a ferry to board. But there is room for you! Words will not be cast against you. Your voice is welcome.
Do you appreciate art? Estillyens do. Through it, they ponder what is meaningful and celebrate God’s creative gifts. In this, smiles bright settle upon Estillyen faces.
Estillyen pilgrims probe the question of human worth—and what it means for life and faith. On the Isle, there’s much to absorb. You’ll discover how redemption is truly possible when self surrenders.
The ancient order of monks who settled on Estillyen’s isle long ago chiseled in stone a motto that lives today. It is this: Let God be God. When you visit Estillyen, you’re sure to find it. Pause and consider it. Let it bring you back to the Isle’s beginnings—and to the calling of your own heart.